Posted in Shampoo

Shampoo Bars

Here’s the soap I had in the ice cream carton.  It turned out okay.  The sides of the carton released pretty easily, but the bottom stuck really bad, so if I’m going to use something like that again, I’ll have to line the bottom at least with freezer paper.  I let them set for a day and a half, then put it in the freezer for about 30 min to help it release better.

These will be shampoo bars – I really want to start doing that instead of buying the bottled stuff.  I don’t need them to be pretty or anything in this test batch so I wasn’t concerned with aesthetics.  I picked oils especially good for hair – like walnut and avocado, with lavender essential oil for fragrance.  When these bars are done curing in about a month, I’ll use the recipe I found on Mommypotamous to detox my hair first, as we live in a really hard water area.  I’ll keep you posted on how it all turns out.


Posted in Soap

Epic CPOP Fail

I am almost too embarrassed to post these pictures. I was trying out that CP/OP method I’ve read so much about, and that a soaping friend of mine swears by. I’m not really sure what happened. I am pretty sure I’ll never be trying this again! Ugh! I don’t know if any of my soap is even salvageable, but I suppose I’ll try, after a couple weeks of curing, to see if it can still be used at all. Chalk this one up to ugly lesson learned.





This is a batch of shampoo bars.  I was experimenting with using an ice cream container as a mold.  I figured, it’s basically already lined in freezer paper, for the most part.  I’ll post pics when I unmold it.  Smile
